Sunday, October 12, 2008


Around 90 percent of the people in the world will have some superstitions in one way or the other. No matter which country they belong to, which community they belong to or which age they belong to. Every one has their own superstitions in their own way. Some people have some psychological reflex actions and that becomes their superstitions.

All the core superstitions are bull shits I would say. But there are few people who are addicted to psychological actions. That action decides their mood, energy, behavior and attitude for the day. I can give an example, some people have the thought that only if some particular seat in a bus or train, they will be lucky and that particular day will be lucky. Some people do some unique repeated actions at particular time such that it motivates them to work better.

Even if the particular action makes them better in their work, it is actually not advisable. In some way, they are getting addicted to some thing. Addiction doesn't mean addiction to drug or some thing. Even if some use less, non relevant behavior fills our mind and action that is also called an addiction. We have to give proper counseling and treatment to those people. Okay, now what could be done to the people who are superstitious? We can do two things, either explain them superstition is nothing and try to get rid of that or make them sit under air conditions wearing wet inner wear.

Story - Screenplay - The difference:

I have some interest in creating stories and screenplays. Some interest means say something like 2 kg of interest (what’s the unit of interest?). At first, I had confusion between story and screenplay. I understood what a story is, but was confused a little bit about screenplay. It was during my seventh grade in school and so I was not able to get books or other resources for it.
One fine day I saw an interview in TV. A director was explaining about story, screenplay and dialogues. I have got answer for my billion dollar question which drilled my mind for more than seven years. Yes, I was not at all able to find answers for the questions till then.
Leave all the technical information about screenplay. In short, story means information about some incident. Screenplay says additional information about it like when, how, what etc. Grammatically, story is a verb and screenplay is adverb.


In few countries, sand is considered as the cheapest thing. If someone wants to curse some one, "she" will use the words "you will become as sand", which means you will become nothing. If someone wants to scold some one they will say "don't behave like sand". I pity all of them who think that sand is nothing.
Today, sand is ruling the world I would say. Though sand is ruling, no one knows that sand is doing that. In other words, sand doesn’t want to portray itself and so it hides so deep by being not known to anyone and doing lot of unimaginable wonders.
Are you still puzzled about what I am talking? Let me clear you. The world today is a technological world. We live in the technology age and electronics made its imprints everywhere. If it is electronics then it is silicon chips. Silicon is nothing buys the scientific name of sand.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A girl, I and My First S_x…

It happened during my eighth grade. There was lot of boys and girls around my home. We were in same school so we go to school together, play together during week ends. There won't be any sexual discrimination between us so boys and girls play together. We the boys loved to play with girls so every one of us took a great care to prohibit the "discrimination", "difference" getting into our crowd.
Like the magnetic theory of force of attraction and repulsion. We, the boys (few of us were turning as guys, including me) were attracted to girls. I too had lot of girls as friends so that I play lot of games with them.
One girls move so close to me and one fine day she said "We will play alone. Don't involve others getting into our play". I felt that deal as so lovely and so we decided our "play" on a day. No one was there in our campus, since it was a noon. I and the girl were alone and we started our "game". She bowled. I batted. It was a Six, My first six in my life.