Sunday, October 12, 2008


In few countries, sand is considered as the cheapest thing. If someone wants to curse some one, "she" will use the words "you will become as sand", which means you will become nothing. If someone wants to scold some one they will say "don't behave like sand". I pity all of them who think that sand is nothing.
Today, sand is ruling the world I would say. Though sand is ruling, no one knows that sand is doing that. In other words, sand doesn’t want to portray itself and so it hides so deep by being not known to anyone and doing lot of unimaginable wonders.
Are you still puzzled about what I am talking? Let me clear you. The world today is a technological world. We live in the technology age and electronics made its imprints everywhere. If it is electronics then it is silicon chips. Silicon is nothing buys the scientific name of sand.

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